Dislosure and Sponsor-Affiliate Terms and Conditions

Full Disclosure of Advertiser, Sponsor and Affiliate Associations;
Terms and Conditions for Conducting Business While having Advertising Relationships
with other entities.
Terms and Conditions for Conducting Business While having Advertising Relationships
with other entities.
FreePhotoCourse.com fully discloses, in the manner of full transparency regarding sponsor and affiliate relations, that advertisements, click-ads and other advertising-type links that appear on this website are for the purpose of monetization. FreePhotoCourse.com has an advertising relationship with Google, in which compensation is paid through an arrangement associated with the click-ads that Google selects for inclusion on this website. As well, FreePhotoCourse.com eagerly and proudly discloses that it is a participant in the Amazon,Ca, Inc. and Amazon EU Associates programs (programmes), affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk. FreePhotoCourse.com selects links and advertisements for products and product categories for the purpose of earning a commission related to purchases of such products from Amazon and/or their partners. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that certain content and information is for educational purposes and that associated content, such as that which recommends a type of product or equipment necessary to perform a particular photographic task, is included for both informational and monetization purposes. Any recommendations for specific products are based on a variety of external published reviews from different sources, customer reviews/experiences and/or manufacturer news releases accompanying new product launches.
FreePhotoCourse.com does not guarantee any products, offers or services made by any of the advertisers, sponsors or affiliates (third parties) listed on or associated with this website. Although we believe such associated advertisers, sponsors and affiliates to be reputable, FreePhotoCourse.com cannot and does not accept responsibility for their actions, business practices, services, products or transactions; therefore, users who wish to access information or to conduct business transactions with these third parties do so at their own risk. FreePhotoCourse.com does not take any responsibility for the claims made within these advertisements, nor the material, content or products available for free or for sale on the websites to which these links refer.
All links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you purchase something through an Amazon link or through the "Best Cameras and Photo Gear Canada" or "Best Cameras and Photo Gear UK" stores or web pages appearing on or as linked to from the FreePhotocourse.com site, FreePhotoCourse.com receives a commission, but does not participate in any aspect of the transaction, product handling, delivery or guarantee. Should you choose to make a transaction or purchase a product, you are the purchaser and Amazon is the vendor. FreePhotoCourse.com does not participate in any aspect of the transaction, delivery or post-purchase service that occurs. FreePhotoCourse.com does not test or guarantee any product associated with such purchases. Reviews or recommendations are based on external published reviews from different sources, customer reviews/experiences and/or manufacturer news releases introducing new products. Any warranties or guarantees implied or stated regarding any product(s) you purchase are provided by the manufacturer or the seller but not by FreePhotoCourse.com. Certain content that appears on this site comes from Amazon Services LLC. This content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.
Before purchasing anything from any of the advertisers, sponsors or affiliates associated with this website, it is your responsibility to research options, vendors and consider all terms and conditions before engaging in the exchange of monies and personal information.
You understand and agree that FreePhotoCourse.com is not a vendor and does not participate in any aspect of a transaction you may execute with an advertiser, sponsor or affiliate associated with this website. By using this website or by engaging in a purchase transaction with an advertiser, sponsor or affiliate associated with this website, you agree to indemnify and hold FreePhotoCourse.com harmless and not liable for any legal claim whatsoever arising from any dispute, undelivered merchandise, dissatisfactory service, or problems with merchants or products.
FreePhotoCourse.com fully discloses, in the manner of full transparency regarding sponsor and affiliate relations, that advertisements, click-ads and other advertising-type links that appear on this website are for the purpose of monetization. FreePhotoCourse.com has an advertising relationship with Google, in which compensation is paid through an arrangement associated with the click-ads that Google selects for inclusion on this website. As well, FreePhotoCourse.com eagerly and proudly discloses that it is a participant in the Amazon,Ca, Inc. and Amazon EU Associates programs (programmes), affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.ca and Amazon.co.uk. FreePhotoCourse.com selects links and advertisements for products and product categories for the purpose of earning a commission related to purchases of such products from Amazon and/or their partners. By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that certain content and information is for educational purposes and that associated content, such as that which recommends a type of product or equipment necessary to perform a particular photographic task, is included for both informational and monetization purposes. Any recommendations for specific products are based on a variety of external published reviews from different sources, customer reviews/experiences and/or manufacturer news releases accompanying new product launches.
FreePhotoCourse.com does not guarantee any products, offers or services made by any of the advertisers, sponsors or affiliates (third parties) listed on or associated with this website. Although we believe such associated advertisers, sponsors and affiliates to be reputable, FreePhotoCourse.com cannot and does not accept responsibility for their actions, business practices, services, products or transactions; therefore, users who wish to access information or to conduct business transactions with these third parties do so at their own risk. FreePhotoCourse.com does not take any responsibility for the claims made within these advertisements, nor the material, content or products available for free or for sale on the websites to which these links refer.
All links to Amazon are affiliate links. If you purchase something through an Amazon link or through the "Best Cameras and Photo Gear Canada" or "Best Cameras and Photo Gear UK" stores or web pages appearing on or as linked to from the FreePhotocourse.com site, FreePhotoCourse.com receives a commission, but does not participate in any aspect of the transaction, product handling, delivery or guarantee. Should you choose to make a transaction or purchase a product, you are the purchaser and Amazon is the vendor. FreePhotoCourse.com does not participate in any aspect of the transaction, delivery or post-purchase service that occurs. FreePhotoCourse.com does not test or guarantee any product associated with such purchases. Reviews or recommendations are based on external published reviews from different sources, customer reviews/experiences and/or manufacturer news releases introducing new products. Any warranties or guarantees implied or stated regarding any product(s) you purchase are provided by the manufacturer or the seller but not by FreePhotoCourse.com. Certain content that appears on this site comes from Amazon Services LLC. This content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.
Before purchasing anything from any of the advertisers, sponsors or affiliates associated with this website, it is your responsibility to research options, vendors and consider all terms and conditions before engaging in the exchange of monies and personal information.
You understand and agree that FreePhotoCourse.com is not a vendor and does not participate in any aspect of a transaction you may execute with an advertiser, sponsor or affiliate associated with this website. By using this website or by engaging in a purchase transaction with an advertiser, sponsor or affiliate associated with this website, you agree to indemnify and hold FreePhotoCourse.com harmless and not liable for any legal claim whatsoever arising from any dispute, undelivered merchandise, dissatisfactory service, or problems with merchants or products.